A 72-year-old lady from Pembrokeshire recently celebrated 40 years’ service as a school crossing patrol (SCP) at the same primary school.
Joyce Morgan started work as a SCP for Pembrokeshire County Council at the time of the three day week, the cod wars and an IRA bombing campaign.
But while those events are now part of history, 40 years on Joyce is still going strong making sure that the pupils of Roch Community School in Haverfordwest get to school safely. Recently pupils and staff at the primary school held a special celebration to mark her 40 years of patrolling service.
Joyce began working for the school in September 1973 when her two daughters were young. As well as her SCP duties, she also helps out as a mid-day supervisor. Despite her decades of service, she has no plans to retire.
Joyce said: "I enjoy being with children. Over the years I have seen them grow up and now I often look after their children as well. I feel fine and as long as they need me I’ll carry on."
Kirstie Anne Donoghue, Pembrokeshire’s road safety officer, said school crossing patrol service depended on the dedication of people like Joyce.
She said: "40 years ensuring our children get to and from school safely is no mean feat. We felt it was an achievement that needed honouring."
Lovely article – silly picture. Sadly a lot of LAs are so hard pressed for finance that School Crossing Patrols are an endangered species – or already extinct.
Mark, Caerphilly
A wonderful lady with a fantastic sense of purpose.
Mark – Wiltshire