Durham County Council’s road safety team piloted a Junior Road Safety Officer scheme in nine primary schools across the county in 2011. Now, in June 2012, there are 36 fully operational, with a further 18 in the application and development stages. The scheme involves the road safety team working alongside teams of young volunteers, who help to educate their peers, parents and teachers on road safety and ways they can keep themselves safer when using the roads.
Alan Kennedy, Durham County Council’s road safety manager, says: “This is an exciting initiative that is really capturing the imagination of the children.
The JRSO’s role includes creating a notice board, speaking in assemblies, holding competitions and organising campaigns.
For more information contact: Judith Forster: Tel 03000 268170 judith.forster@durham.gov.uk and Gillian Pace Tel: 03000 268171 gillian.pace@durham.gov.uk
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