Learn 2 Live recognised with national award

12.00 | 31 October 2016 | | 1 comment

A programme run by the Hertfordshire Road Safety Partnership to educate young drivers, pre-drivers and passengers has been recognised for its ‘outstanding achievement’ in protecting vulnerable road users.

The Learn 2 Live project picked up the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) Award for Excellence in the Vulnerable Road Users Safety category.

The CILT’s Annual Awards are designed to recognise outstanding achievement and encourage the highest standards and a professional approach within the logistics and transport sector.

As the name suggests, the Vulnerable Road Users Safety Award, sponsored by Transport for London, recognises initiatives designed to reduce death and/or injury to vulnerable road users. It recognises schemes which raise awareness of the importance of sharing the road network, and can demonstrate significant improvements as a result of the intervention.

The 2016 CILT award were presented last Thursday (27 Oct) at the London Lancaster Hotel.

Learn 2 Live is an auditorium-based, ‘hard-hitting’ 90-minute programme that take students through the consequences of their actions on the road both as a driver and passenger.

Delivered to more than 6,000 Year 12 students across Hertfordshire during September each year, the session comprises a series of speakers – from the emergency services, Trading Standards and a victim and/or a family member of someone involved in a road traffic collision – sharing their experiences of road traffic collisions.

The session aims to ‘jolt’ young people out of the ‘immortality’ myth, and help them make informed and sensible decisions when travelling by car.




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      A commendable scheme to try and reduce casualties. As it is awarded partly for its ability to demonstrate significant improvements as a result of the intervention, is it possible to be directed to the statistcal data and reports used as evidence?

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