The next two days of Road Safety GB’s online cycling event feature pre-recorded presentations looking at local schemes from the West Midlands and Staffordshire.
Today’s presentation – which is being published on the event website at 10am – discusses the West Midlands Cycle Hire scheme, launched earlier this year by Transport for West Midlands (TfWM).
Latest figures show that across the region, more than 22,000 users have covered almost 150,000km on the new bikes, which launched in the spring.
The presentation is being delivered by Emma Down, cycling and walking development officer at TfWM.
Meanwhile, Friday’s presentation looks at a cycle safety scheme from Staffordshire.
It will provide an overview of the current Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership campaign – titled Look Out – which is promoting cycle safety information to both cyclists and drivers.
This will include how collision analysis was used to shape the campaign and how messaging has been designed and delivered.
The presentation is being delivered by Mel Langdown, strategic governance and commissioning manager at the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership.
Catch-up on all the action
The three-week event, titled ‘More cycling, safer cyclists: how can we make it safer for more people to cycle, more often?’, will be aired free-to-all until 25 June.
The programme comprises a mix of pre-recorded and live content including video presentations, a workshop and a Question Time session. All the pre-recorded content will be published on the programme page at 10am on its advertised day.
Dates, times and registration details for the live sessions are also available on the programme page.
All videos published as part of the event will remain available on the programme page – for viewers to watch at their leisure – for the foreseeable future.
This includes a presentation from Nick Chamberlin, policy manager at British Cycling.
Titled ‘Roads should work for everyone – it is the time to give our streets to our children’, the presentation explains how, in Nick’s words, cars “should be guests on the majority of our local roads with drivers expected to put others ahead of their own needs”.
In the next few days, it will also include sections of Wednesday’s workshop – which showcased examples of initiatives introduced under the Emergency Active Travel Fund (EATF).
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