LRSC briefed on cyclists’ safety

10.05 | 16 February 2012 | | 1 comment

The London Road Safety Council (LRSC) has heard about a range measures being implemented across the Capital to improve the safety of cyclists.

Chief Inspector Ian Vincent (right in pic below), a guest speaker at a recent LRSC meeting, outlined the work being carried out by the Metropolitan Police Partnership Unit to put traffic police on bikes across London. The 10 police officers in the team have reported 5,700 offences since their work began. Half of these offences were committed by car drivers, 26% by drivers of commercial vehicles, and 24% by cyclists.

Chief Inspector Vincent also told the LRSC about educational interventions, including Exchanging Places which places cyclists in the cab of an HGV to give them first hand experience of ‘blind spots’. Exchaning Places also educates lorry drivers about the need to look out for cyclists and other vulnerable road users, and equips them with lenses to be fitted to their vehicle to improve the field of vision.

The LRSC was also briefed about the police’s ongoing work to reduce the number of cyclists riding on pavements, by issuing fines, and of the newly developed Safer Urban Driving course, developed by Transport for London. Similar to Exchanging Places, the course aims to educate lorry and bus drivers about the vulnerability of cyclists and pedestrians.

Councillor Peter Herrington (left in pic), chairman of the LRSC, said: “It was pleasing to hear that so much good work is being done to reduce cyclist casualties in London.

“The number of cycle trips in London has more than doubled since the year 2000 and at peak hours on weekdays cyclists make up 40% of the traffic on some routes.

“It is testament to the work being done by the police and road safety officers that cyclist casualties have not increased at the same rate.”

For more information aboiut the LRSC contact James Parker on 01483 828443.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      There has to be acountability and therefore it’s good to see that in some areas the police are taking strides to effect the rule of law and order on our streets and therefore upon our lives.

      So many times I see as a motorist and a motorcyclist so many offences being committed, and no police officers anywhere present. I know that they cannot be everywhere but we do need more police out on the beat and also out on the roads otherwise chaos and anarchy will ensue.

      If the motoring public think they can get away with it due to lack of policing they will, that’s human nature but unfortunately we all suffer from the results of it.

      rcraven Lancs
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