“Merton’s Got Safety”, a film commissioned by Merton Council in London, stars young actors in Year 10 from two local schools.
The film draws on the hit TV show Britain’s Got Talent for inspiration. In each scene a young person acts out how they would cope with potential distractions when out and about on the streets – and a panel of three judges gives their verdict.
Chris Lee, Merton Council director of environment and regeneration, said: “The film is a direct and very immediate way of communicating our road safety messages in a way that will appeal to the school age group.”
Pupils from Bishopsford School drama group, who helped make the film, said: “This is a great way of telling kids about the dangers on our roads.
“We’re always either on our mobile, listening to our iPods or chatting to friends, and that can sometimes take your mind off the traffic and how fast it’s coming down the street.”
The film was made on behalf of Merton by youth marketing specialists B3 Creative.
James Marsh, B3 Creative’s managing director, said: “When creating campaigns for young people it’s key to do so in a way that engages and entertains. Get that right and only then you can start thinking about educational messages.
“In this film, we knew it was vital to add humour to a serious subject – that way, teenagers would be more likely to tell their friends about the film and spread the word virally."
Click here to watch the film on YouTube or for more information contact Kitty Jones at B3 Creative on 07776 196653.
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