Motorists confident of passing driving test again

12.00 | 17 August 2012 | | 3 comments

76% of UK motorists are confident that they would pass their practical driving test first time if they had to take it again, according to a survey carried out by GEM Motoring Assist.

However, the survey also revealed that fewer than 50% believe they would pass the theory test, while 41% were unsure how they would fare. And only 35% believe they are as familiar with the Highway Code now as when they first took the test.

More than 26% of respondents said that parking would be the biggest challenge in the practical test, with reversing voted as the second most likely cause for failure, closely followed by city driving. Not a single motorist said that dual carriageway driving would cause them to fail and 74% of motorists said they would be less nervous re-taking their test now than when they first did so.

David Williams MBE, CEO of GEM Motoring Assist, said: “It’s great to see that, as a nation, we are very confident in our driving ability. It would certainly be a worry to have motorists on our roads who believe their driving has got worse.

“However, it is less pleasing that drivers seem to have forgotten everything about the theory test since they passed it however many years ago. A lack of knowledge of the Highway Code could lead to a serious accident so we do urge drivers to keep as up to date as possible.”


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    Could this be over confident drivers who actually have no idea? As borne out in the number of drivers attending education as an alternative to recieving a fixed penalty. What people say and how they behave on our roads are two different things.

    Mel Vincent, Dorset
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    In response to Dave Jackson – there’s an old joke that asks about America: “Can a nation of 250m lawyers be self- sufficient?”

    The answer is of course an emphatic NO – but that does not seem to worry those who believe that a nation of 50m inspectors, box-tickers and clip-board wielders could be. It most certainly would not and it is time that those who impose mindless, petty and all-pervasive regulations in the doomed hope of eliminating all risk understood the far greater risk – of economic collapse and death from starvation or suicide as a result – as now in Greece.

    Should this remind me of the EU? It should and it did, perhaps the supreme example, now a clearly doomed disaster area that really did believe that if the entire continent were controlled by a sufficiently (physically) thick book of rules written in Brussels by people who for the most part have never done a proper day’s work in their lives, Nirvana would be bound to follow.

    Idris Francis
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    If everyone’s so confident it’s time to introduce re-testing and graded licenses.

    Dave Jackson, Barnsley
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