The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea has launched the third in a series of campaigns targeting vulnerable road users, this time to attempt to reduce the number of what are known as ‘SMIDSY’ (sorry mate I didn’t see you) collisions.
The first phase focused on all road users, the second on motorcycle and scooter riders, while the current campaign, ‘Never Brake Your Concentration’, shows that a casual glance may not reveal the full picture.
To highlight the campaign’s key focus of being aware of other people and traffic using the roads, the Royal Borough’s road safety team has created a short animation which can be viewed on the council’s road safety website,
As part of the campaign, distinctive black and yellow campaign posters are being displayed on selected buses, bus stops, petrol pump nozzles and car park barriers across the Royal Borough throughout November and December.
Click here to view the animation, or for more information contact Neil Simpson on 020 7361 3628.
Brake, Break. I can see what they are trying to do but it is confusing use of words.
Dave, London
I dont understand what that image in the mirror is supposed to be and it’s really annoying me. I tell it is the brake of a bike, but the rest of it doesn’t make any sense. Can someone please explain or is it just an abstract image?
Tom Bosanquet, London
I would have thought that instead of showing an old video of a car entering in what is obviously a country road I feel that it would be best served decreasing the number of cars that unlawfully park right up to junctions and thus obstruct vision for any vehicles entering a main road.
PS The ‘smidsy’ avoidance maneuver, great on a quiet country road but in the suburbs or townships, don’t even bother, slow almost to a stop if in any doubt and don’t rely on eye to eye contact. That doesn’t work either.
It’s interesting to see how wearing a high vis vest can have the opposite effect of what it’s intended use is for and can in fact make it more difficult for one to be seen. So much for conspicuity.
bob craven Lancs
Can it really be right to distract drivers with messages about breaking their concentration?
The aim is admirable, but the message, which is probably about saccadic masking, might better be delivered through the regular education system.
Andrew Fraser, STIRLING