NDORS scoops Prince’s Premier Award

12.00 | 11 December 2012 | | 1 comment

The National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) picked up the Premier Award at the 2012 Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards’ ceremony at The Savoy in London yesterday.

NDORS, operated by all UK police forces, offers a diversion from prosecution into driver education for motorists who have committed a low level offence.

The scheme does not draw on the public purse with the costs for administration and delivery being met by the ‘offender’. On completion of the course the original offence lapses and no further action is taken in relation to prosecution.

The course was conceived and implemented initially by Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, Devon Crown Prosecution Services and Devon County Council in 1991, under the title of the Driver Improvement Scheme. The scheme won a Prince Michael Award in 1997 and has grown into a national course. More than one million motorists have been through the course and it is being replicated internationally.

In his address to guests at the awards’ luncheon, HRH Prince Michael of Kent spoke of the importance of funding from the private sector combined with strong leadership from central Government.

In a strongly worded message to cyclists, the Prince – who is a cyclist himself – described ‘bad cycling’ as a ‘growing tendency’ and called for more effective enforcement for cyclists who break the law.


DCC Suzette Davenport, ACPO lead for roads policing, said: “It is an honour to win such a prestigious award against such fierce competition.

“It is a testimony to everybody who has contributed to the scheme over the years.

“We are incredibly proud of the NDORS scheme and the important role it plays in casualty reduction, and we are delighted that it has been recognised in such a significant way.”



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      This was one of those moments when I can say I was there when the announcement was made. There have been a great number of people who have worked on this scheme over the last twenty years plus as service providers or trainers and they should all be proud of what has been achieved through this scheme as we have been able to reach out and help those people who have got into difficulties, and not just given them a beating and sending them out to make the same mistake again. Educating drivers through this scheme and some of the other now onging initiatives has been a very good road safety intervention for all concerned.

      Graham Feest AIRSO Sectretary and former ANDISP Secretary
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