Schools’ road safety index unveiled

12.00 | 7 August 2013 | | 8 comments

The next phase of the AXA RoadSafe schools’ campaign, which is designed to improve road safety around schools across the UK, has been unveiled.

The campaign aims to “help road safety officers identify high-risk areas around schools in their local area, and to harness community support to find ways to improve children’s education and reduce risk”.

The campaign is a collaborative initiative led by AXA working with organisations including RoadSafe, Road Safety Analysis, Brake, The Good Schools Guide, The Children’s Trust, Colas and CAPT.

The first element of the campaign, the ‘Facts about road accidents and children’ report, was published in June 2013. The report aimed to “identify ways to improve road safety standards for children, rather than simply highlight the issues”.

The next element of the campaign is described as “the UK’s first and only road safety index that is centred on schools”.

Working in partnership with AXA, Road Safety Analysis has analysed more than 1.2 million pieces of data for 30,000 schools to reveal the total number of collisions, child casualties, pedestrians casualties, cyclist incidents and those injured as passengers in a vehicle, in a 500m diameter around every school.

The index will be made available to the public at the end of this month, but AXA and RoadSafe are keen to involve RSOs in advance of its publication.

In a letter to road safety officers published on 8 August, Adrian Walsh, director of RoadSafe, said: “We have identified many local school areas in your authority’s jurisdiction which have high-risk roads in their immediate area.

“As such, we want to share our findings with you in full and discuss how we can work with you and other partners to present the data in a way that benefits your local safety plans.

“As no one knows your local area better than you, the campaign’s findings will most certainly be of interest to what you already know about certain roads and areas.

“We hope that the index will help parents, schools and local road safety officers to work more effectively together and if necessary to push for additional funding, or new initiatives and infrastructure improvements to address specific road safety issues around individual schools.”

For more information contact Andrew Pink on 020 7785 7383 or Sean Williams on 020 3176 4994.


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      This project enables parents and carers to be safe in the knowledge that their child’s route to school is just as important as their attainment and achievement.

      Duncan Evans Tower Hamlets
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      Obviously there are some people around who take this as another attack on motorists. I doubt if they have ever had to face the bereaved parents of a child killed by a motorist. Not nice when you know something could have been done to help prevent it.

      Bernard, Oldham
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      One of the issues here is that they have collated all collisions/casualties around schools that would include adult peds, vehicle to vehicle collisions etc. most of which will not have anything to do with school children so working with the local schools on most of these issues would not be worthwhile.

      For this to be relevant to any school the information that would be required would be the age of the child, time of the collision, was it on the way to or home from school and whether it was during term time. Which as councils we all have access to and should be working from anyway.

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      Right Road NW:
      The photo was not supplied by AXA – it is one we hold on file and has been used simply to depict road safety around schools.

      Nick Rawlings, editor, Road Safety News
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      Your picture shows a large group of children and only one carer wearing a high viz jacket. Perhaps AXA should make an index of schools that have an active Road Safety policy and research into what road safety education is carried out by the schools.

      Right Road NW
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      I agree totally with Hugh. However if the press (TV) pick this up to make a segment for a news programme, it will only show that AXA have done this and not how the data was collated or sourced in the first place. It is quite a clever ploy by marketing people that is used a lot in all walks of life re good publicity. Go to a source that has the facts and figures, then reproduce under a different guise and take the credit. It would be nice to think there would be a rep with a rebuttal sat on the other side of the TV sofa if it happened?

      Stuart Rochdale
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      For those interested in road safety around schools, has a downloadable road safety map showing school location, collisions and walking/cycling thresholds for every DFES registered school in the country. For some authorities, census based school travel summaries are also available. Schools can be found using the search facility on the homepage.

      Matt Edmunds, Exeter
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      I don’t see the point of this exercise. The accident data referred to will have originated from the Local Authorities anyway, so what’s the benefit in feeding it back to them? If an LA wanted to know the accident history around any of its schools, it could call this up with a few clicks of a mouse.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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