‘Superheroes’ spread pedestrian safety message

12.00 | 3 October 2013 |

The Greater Manchester Casualty Reduction Partnership, Drivesafe, is running a campaign to make pedestrians aware that simple tasks such as crossing the road can go “drastically wrong”.

In the last three years within Greater Manchester there have been more than 3,600 pedestrian casualties, and Drivesafe says the biggest causation factor is inattention.

To highlight this, and warn pedestrians of the dangers, the campaign comprises a series of adverts targeting pedestrians and motorists, warning them of the consequences of being distracted.

As part of the campaign, ‘Superheroes’ have also been handing out a ‘Highway Code for Mortals’ which provides advice on how to stay safe when out and about.

Karen Delaney, Drivesafe communications officer, said “People are still taking risks on our roads and with the increased use of multi functions on mobile phones and people being engrossed in conversation, this can contribute in taking our attention away from the dangers.

“As pedestrians we need to be aware of traffic and the danger it poses. The safest place to cross any road is a pedestrian crossing and where possible we should be using them.”

Drivesafe says the campaign is purposefully light-hearted, and that it hopes the ‘superheroes’ will help raise some serious issues and make people think twice about taking risks on the roads.

Click here for more information.


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