‘Sun dazzle’ collisions increase in 2012

12.00 | 17 October 2013 | | 2 comments

The number of collisions on UK roads caused by the sun dazzling drivers increased by 12% in 2012 when compared to the previous 12 months (TRL newsfeed).

TRL says that figures published in the DfT’s annual casualty report show that the sun accounted for around 2,905 accidents in 2012, compared with 2,592 in 2011.

The risk of drivers being dazzled by the sun is at its peak during the month of October when sunrise and sunset tend to coincide with rush hour, when more vehicles are on the roads. TRL says it is advisable for drivers to keep a pair of sunglasses in their car during the autumn period.

41% of all ‘sun-dazzle’ collisions in 2012 occurred on A-roads, compared to just 1.7% on motorways.

Click here to read the full TRL news report.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      It’s understandable that there are more accidents on non-motorways than on motorways. On motorways all traffic is travelling in the same direction, no junctions tight bends etc. On other roads the accidents occur with traffic travelling both ways and on overtakes and corners and bends and at junctions and roundabouts. So no news there then.

      bob craven Lancs
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      Perhaps we had more sunlight in 2012 and less in 2011. What if we altered our changing clock time habit so that low sun would be earlier or indeed later than the evening rush hour, then there may be fewer smidsys at that time as the sun wouldn’t be low and a danger when the roads are at their busiest.

      bob craven Lancs
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