The latest “must have” accessory for any self respecting hen keeper is a hi-vis jacket that will help their chickens cross the road safely – as well as keeping them warm in the winter weather.
Available in two colours, pink and yellow, the hi-vis chicken jacket will make hens visible on the darkest days, while at the same time protecting them from the rain and sleet. For hen keepers whose chickens have become more pets that poultry, his means less worry about them wandering into the road and meeting a grisly end.
The BS-EN471-compliant jacket is also ideal for newly rescued battery hens whose feathers are a little sparse, or hens who have recently moulted, who will appreciate the jacket’s extra warmth.
Launched in October 2013, the jacket has already featured in many newspapers, magazines, radio and television programmes and – according to Omlet, the company that supplies it – is proving incredibly popular with chicken keepers everywhere.
At least it makes it easier for the foxes to find them!!
Joe – sefton
Accidents can be triggered by having to avoid an animal in the road, so the earlier they can be seen by the driver, the better, I would have thought.
Hugh Jones, Cheshire
cattle, horse, ass, mule, pigs, sheep, dogs, goat. Hit one of these and you are required to report it to the police. All others fall outside the road traffic act for reportable incidents.
Peter London
Can I ask, is it possible to put them on pheasants as on my bike they are a particular nuisance on country byways? Always getting in the way and forever running away in front of my bike and never to the side into the hedgerow and safety.
bob craven Lancs
Have I missed 3 months of 2014 already – is it 1 April?
Bill, Glasgow