The 75 early bird places for the 2014 National Road Safety Conference have been snapped up in less than a week.
The 2014 National Conference is being hosted by Road Safety GB South East Region and held at The Grand Hotel in Brighton on 25-26 November 2014. The event is once agian being sponsored by Colas and AA DriveTech.
75 places were made available for Road Safety GB members at the special price of just £175 plus VAT, but all of these places have now been allocated. In total 94 people have already registered to attend the event.
The full residential delegate rate for Road Safety GB members has been frozen at £295 plus VAT for a third consecutive year. The fee covers all conference sessions, overnight accommodation at The Grand, the conference dinner and all other refreshments.
The residential rate for attendees from other organisations is £395 plus VAT. It is also possible to attend as a day delegate for either one or both days.
Prices for the exhibition which runs alongside the conference start from £550 plus VAT. There is a 10% discount for returning exhibitors who book before the end of February 2014.
Click here for full details of rates for all delegates, including day delegate rates, and the booking form.
Click here for information about the exhibition that will run alongside the conference.
Click here for more information about themes/content/agenda.
For more information about the event contact Nick Rawlings (agenda/content and sponsorship) or Sally Bartrum (delegate booking and exhibition) on 01379 650112.
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