A report in the Guardian picks up on DfT proposals to create “cycle streets” where cyclists would be given priority over other vehicles.
The proposals are contained in a DfT consultation on initiatives to reduce the number of road markings and signs, and improve cyclists’ safety.
The Guardian report says that under the proposals motorists will be restricted to 15mph and given three penalty points and a £100 fine if they overtake cyclists.
The consultation says the cycle streets concept will be tested in some of the UK’s cycling cities including London, Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle and Oxford.
Talking to the Guardian, British Cycling gave the proposal a cautious welcome, saying: "We still need the leadership to ensure these designs make it on to our roads, a national commitment to grow cycling levels, and it must be backed by a long-term budget line.
“Only then can we say that the prime minister’s ambition of creating a ‘cycling revolution’ can be achieved.”
In a word – ludicrous. Yet another thorn between different methods of transportation.
Derek Reynolds, Salop.
When I cycle slowly, I do not want to be tailgated by cars and lorries, I want them to overtake. On the odd occasion when cars do 20 in 20 zones, I have overtaken them although I’d prefer the drivers concentrate on being safe (and select a reasonable speed), rather than dawdling along not concentrating properly.
And what constitutes “overtaking”? Suppose a cyclist sees a friend walking and cycles at 3mph alongside while chatting? Are the government seriously expecting every vehicle behind to crawl along at 3mph under threat of £100 and 3 points should they go past?
Didn’t this current government say they were going to “end the war on the motorist?”
Dave Finney, Slough