Is Beryl the country’s longest serving SCP?

12.00 | 3 July 2014 | | 1 comment

A school crossing patrol (SCP) operating in Cleethorpes is celebrating 50 years’ continuous service which, according to North East Lincolnshire Council, makes her the country’s longest serving SCP.

Beryl Quantrill, who first started the role in 1964 and was initially employed by the then Grimsby Borough Police, says she has no plans to retire.

Beryl, who is now employed by North East Lincolnshire Council’s regeneration services partnership with Cofely, has worked outside Queen Mary Primary School in Cleethorpes for the majority of the 50 years. She is well known and loved by the local community and children, and in some cases has assisted three generations of families to cross the roads safely.

Beryl has four children, 10 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. When not carrying out her duties as a SCP, she is a regular at church, helps out with fund raising activities, and organises line dancing for the elderly.

Beryl said: “I love the job as I love being out in the fresh air every day. I don’t mind the weather and don’t really feel the cold too much. I have a big thick jacket and wear plenty of layers which keeps me warm in the winter. It is good exercise and I don’t have any plans to retire yet.

“I also really enjoy working with the children. They tell me all about the day they have had at school, what they have had for dinner and what holidays they have got planned. I’ve have helped several generations of the same family cross the road, including my own.“

Councillor Dave Watson, North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “It’s a magnificent achievement and we’re very lucky to have someone who has dedicated such a large part of her life to promoting road safety.”

Richard Marriott, the council’s road safety education officer, said: “This is a memorable moment and I am extremely proud to have Beryl as part of my team. 

“She is an amazing lady and there is nothing she can’t do, even hitting 60 years’ service is within reach.”

A presentation and lunch to celebrate Beryl completing 50 years’ service was held on 27 June.


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      Congratulations to Beryl from all the patrols working in Salford. The nearest we have is 46 years and 40 years and we thought they were an achievement! What a fantastic example the Patrols set, out in all weathers and still a smile to greet their customers everyday. I look forward to reading about Beryl when she reaches the 60 year milestone.

      Jill Winstone Salford
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