New film shows ‘The Ripple Effect’

12.00 | 9 September 2014 | | 2 comments

A new video about the consequences of road crashes is designed to “drive home vital safety messages to new West Midlands drivers”.

The film, ‘The Ripple Effect’, features two families devastated after their children were hit by speeding vehicles.

Viewers meet Stuart Fisher and his parents, and hear how their lives were changed forever when Stuart was hit by a speeding car on the promenade at Blackpool. Serious head injuries left him wheelchair dependent and he had to learn again how to breathe, speak and eat.

The second story features Avril Child, from Birmingham, whose daughter Sarah was killed when a car hit her and one of her sisters at 70 miles an hour. Avril describes Sarah’s last few seconds alive, as her sister lay injured and unable to help her, and her reaction when she was told her daughter was dead.

The project is a joint initiative between West Midlands Police and West Midlands Fire Service, and police and fire officers talk in the film of the horrors they have to deal with following a crash, while pupils from a Birmingham primary school deliver sobering road safety facts and statistics.

Sergeant Russell Webb, West Midlands Police, said: “We’re really pleased with how the video has turned out, which is due in no small part to the bravery and dignity of the two families who agreed to be filmed. Their stories are incredibly powerful and emotional. Anyone who watches it will be moved and deeply affected by what they see and hear.”


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      I think Stuart Fisher featured in another road safety resource called ‘Know Fear’ produced by Lancs some years ago. I haven’t see this latest clip due to our naff computers at work, but the ‘Know Fear’ resource was excellent. We used it to raise awareness of the consequences of the illegal/anti-social use of roads and to highlight the wider affects of an RTC. Look forward to seeing this clip, to see if it can be used alongside the older resource.

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      The stories about Sarah and Stuart are very harrowing and emotional which is understandable. It’s a long video with a lot of information given, just over 16 minutes which is a long time to watch. I believe that the two main stories would justify a video in their own right and have greater impact as I believe that it’s watered down by other messages. My response is an objective one and not subjective.

      bob craven Lancs
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