Students from schools and colleges across St Albans heard first hand accounts of the horrific consequences of road traffic collisions at two road safety events earlier this month.
During 2014, Learn 2 Live events have been held at venues across Hertfordshire to provide a “vivid insight into the human cost of road accidents”. Learn 2 Live is delivered by Hertfordshire Road Safety Partnership which includes Hertfordshire County Council, Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, the police and air ambulance.
At the recent Learn 2 Live events in St Albans, students listened to family members, the police and air ambulance crew described the impact of road accidents. The event also included a “hard-hitting” video from the fire service and practical guidance by trading standards about the purchase and maintenance of second hand cars.
Angela Felstead, who spoke at one of the events to describe the loss of her son Leigh, said: “It’s not always someone else it happens to and young people need to hear that from someone who’s experienced it.
“I speak at Learn 2 Live events to try and prevent young drivers losing their lives and other families going through the same pain that we have experienced.
“I want the young people who attend to remember that they have so much to give, so much to see and do in life. Their lives are too important to be thrown away.”
Terry Douris, Hertfordshire County Council cabinet member with responsibility for highways, said: “Through targeting learner or new drivers at Learn 2 Live events it is hoped that the behaviour of some young drivers will be altered, meaning that some of these life-changing traffic collisions will be avoided in the future.”
Gives valuable insight to young drivers and potential drivers – worth seeing and remembering whatever your age.
Kathy Ware, Hertford
Excellent event! As a copy of the Young Driver’s Guide was given to every attendee, I went along to last Friday’s session as a guest. The production quality was excellent, as were the speakers. The Alban Area was also a great choice of venue for an event like this. We were doing some filming and vox pops with the students on the way in and on the way out – if anyone doubts the effectiveness of events like this, I would encourage them to watch our footage.
James Evans – FirstCar/First Time Publishing