Presentation will focus on ‘adapting road safety to public sector change’

12.00 | 26 June 2015 | | 1 comment

Jeremy Phillips, road casualty reduction team manager at Devon County Council, will present at the 2015 National Road Safety Conference in Nottingham later this year.

Jeremy Phillips is one of several senior road safety professionals who will talk about the challenges of delivering road safety at a local level in the face of diminishing resources and finance.

He has been working in road safety for more than 25 years, spending time as a researcher, practitioner and operations, partnership and programme manager. Taking an entrepreneurial approach to road casualty reduction, he has developed several opportunities for making scarce resources go further including client-pays at-work driver safety, the Road Safety Time Bank (now the Road Safety Knowledge Centre) and the national demonstration Devon Road Safety Academy and Evidence Based Practice (EBP) projects. 

He steered Devon’s application for Beacon Authority Status and took the lead roles in Devon’s Countrymile National Demonstration and the award-winning Rural Road Safety Project.

In dealing with the challenges presented by leaner public sector budgets, he has adopted a ‘restructure first, cut second’ approach.

His presentation will explain how the Devon road safety team met a requirement to cut budget while maintaining services and minimising front line losses. Examples will include business transfer models, smart commissioning, outsourcing, job enrichment for non-road safety personnel, and contracting out to term consultants and others.

More than 180 people have already registered to attend the conference, and 13 companies will exhibit alongside the conference, which is being organised by Road Safety GB East Midlands region and co-sponsored by Colas, AA DriveTech, Vysionics and Pepsico. The event is being held at the East Midlands Conference Centre on 18-19 November 2015.

Click here to register to attend as a delegate.

Click here for more information about the exhibition and/or to book to participate in the exhibition.

Click here for more information about sponsoring the event.

For more information contact either Sally Bartrum (delegate registration and exhibition) or Nick Rawlings (agenda/speakers and sponsorship). Both are available on 01379 650112.


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      Looking forward to that, I’ve always found Jeremy’s views most insightful.

      Iain Temperton – Norfolk
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