Teenagers at three Bromley schools have taken part this academic year in the Driven by Consequences programme which is delivered by Bromley Council’s road safety team.
Driven by Consequences* has been running for seven years as part of an ongoing programme to reduce the number of young people killed or seriously injured on Bromley’s roads. The consequences of dangerous driving are illustrated through the event’s workshops which highlight the dangers of young drivers and motorcyclists making certain choices, including driving under the influence of drink and drugs.
The event features speakers from the Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade, London Ambulance Service and London Air Ambulance Service working in partnership with Bromley’s Road Safety Unit to give “compelling accounts of the devastation that can be caused by irresponsible driving”.
Bromley Council says Driven by Consequences is one of several initiatives which have helped reduce the number of collisions involving young drivers. Borough-wide casualty statistics show that ‘in car’ casualties aged 16-24 years have declined by 21%, from 188 in 2010 to 149 in 2014.
Around 2,500 students this academic year have taken part in the council’s traffic education programme.
Councillor Colin Smith said: “Bromley’s national leading ‘Driven by Consequences’ campaign is just one of the ways that we try to impart the vital message about road safety to newly qualified teenage drivers.
“Many have already experienced and benefited from taking part on the Driven by Consequences course, a day which they will tell you themselves pulls no punches as to the harsh realities involved when making mistakes whilst driving at speed or under the influence of drink/drugs.
“This essential awareness and knowledge has helped to reduce the number of accidents in our borough, particularly involving younger drivers, statistically the group most at risk, and we very much look forward to extending the course’s coverage to other interested schools across the Borough.”

*Driven by Consequences
Driven by Consequences was first delivered at Ravens Wood School in June 2008, motivated largely by the loss of 16-year-old pupil Ben Morgan in November 2003. Ben’s mum Lesley has worked with Bromley’s Road Safety Team for 12 years, including a year-on-year commitment to Driven by Consequences.
Driven by Consequences has received the London Transport Award for Most Effective Road Safety Project and the Highways Agency Excellence Award. It has also been recognised by the National Transport Awards (nominee), Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards (highly commended) and the London Road Safety Council’s Laurie Bunn Road Safety Award for Outstanding Achievement (runner up).
Well, this seems to be getting closer to the mark. At last here is something which is getting more sense into the situation. I have often talked about vulnerability. Most drive with various degrees of vulnerability to crashes and therefore having consequences as a theme should bring it home to them more clearly. When people feel accountable for their behaviour they are more likely to take ownership of their actions and, more particularly, their attitudes. So, to my mind, great congratulations to the Bromley RS team. Let’s hope that others, and particularly the government, take up this sort of theme as a key element in road safety policy. If so I am sure it will go far.
Nigel Albright