RoSPA launches older drivers’ website

12.00 | 11 February 2016 | | 3 comments


RoSPA has launched a new website to help older people adapt to changes in their driving, and help them stay safe on the road. has been set up by the safety charity, with funding from the DfT, with the intention of helping older drivers to drive safely for longer.

The website gives tips on how people can update their driving skills and knowledge to maintain their freedom and independence on the road, as well as advice for families or friends who are concerned about a loved one’s driving.

It is intended to help drivers recognise whether and how their driving is changing, and find out what they can do to cope with these changes – including reviewing when and where they drive, adapting their car or taking driver assessment or training.

The site will also help older drivers find driving assessment programmes or refresher training in their local area, understand the law about health conditions and driving, and explains how to renew their driving licence. It also gives advice on the difficult topic of retiring from driving.

Kevin Clinton, RoSPA’s head of road safety, said: “The older we are, the more experience we have as drivers. This is one of the reasons why older drivers tend to be safer and more considerate drivers. However, our health and fitness often begins to decline as we grow older.

“Our eyesight, physical condition and reaction times may not be as good as they once were, and we may develop age related conditions, or be taking medications, that can affect our driving.

“Many older drivers recognise that their driving ability is changing and alter when and where they drive to compensate – but not all drivers do this.

“There comes a time when each of us needs to reduce our driving, or even stop altogether. Of course, this is different for each person; there isn’t an age at which we automatically become unsafe to drive.

“The aim of the website is to help older people to continue to drive for as long as they are safe to do so, and to provide advice on making the decision to retire from driving if they are no longer able to drive safely.”



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I am 70 in July, and still dive perfectly well and safely all over the UK and the continent. I am much better and far more competent than many younger drivers.

      Beejay, Doncaster
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      We are aware that the internet is not a universal channel that reaches everybody although there a surprisingly large and growing number of “silver surfers” who very actively use the internet and do so for their friends and clubs as well as for themselves. Familiy members will also be able to find it and get good objective information if they are concerned about an older relative. This website is also a resource that we as road safety professionals and our partner agencies will use and direct people to so it has a wider reach than just older drivers themselves.

      Honor Byford, Chair, Road Safety GB
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      Sadly, most older drivers that this website is aimed at don’t have access to the internet. My Dad is 86 and has reduced his driving to virtually nothing, but really shouldn’t be driving at all now given his poor health.

      Paul Biggs, Staffordshire
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