THINK! 2016 motorcycle campaign targets ‘male hobbyist’ riders

12.00 | 24 March 2016 | | 5 comments

THINK! has launched its 2016 motorcycle campaign in a bid to improve the safety of the ‘most at-risk user group’ on Britain’s roads.

The campaign will run between March and September and will be social media driven. Its core target audience is ‘male hobbyist’ riders aged 30-59 years.

The campaign will run from the THINK! BIKER Facebook page and will launch with a series of promoted Facebook posts over the Easter weekend.

The campaign will set out to encourage riders to complete advanced training, wear the correct protective gear and reduce their speeds on country roads. It also reminds drivers to look out for motorcycles at junctions.

Motorcyclists account for a tiny percentage of road traffic in Great Britain (1% in 2014) but are the most at-risk user group. In 2014, there were 339 fatalities and 5,289 seriously injured casualties.

THINK! is targeting the 30-59 years category because in 2014 some 59% of all motorcyclist fatalities were in this age range. Male hobbyist riders tend to be engaged with the motorcycling community and as such can be easily reached through social media channels.

The campaign will reuse existing content including the ‘Never Too Good’ series of videos, featuring superbike racer Chaz Davies and comedian Alan Davies, and the ‘Perfect Day’ film (featured above).

A campaign toolkit for road safety officers can be downloaded from the members’ area of this website.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      It sems odd to me that there apear to be two hugely seperate camps when it comes to training. Those who believe in it and usually have some interest in it financially or employement wise at least or those who believe that they don’t need it and that as they get away with most things are therefore quite happy with that situation.

      There also seems a great deal of division within the first collective when it comes to the Police Roadcraft Manual. Otherwise known as the bible to some who swear that every word is gospel and that it should be taken literally as it’s complete and full of inconvertable necessary information. However, it also appears that if one criticised it in any way shape or form or indeed any part of it and then those worshippers defend by saying that it’s the essence of safe riding that’s important and therefore isolating items in it should not be taken literally and that the whole book should be judged and not just parts of it.

      Also there are many videos out there some which have been severely critised and should have been taken off but all that happens is that the video stays on but no one is allowed to comment on it and previous complaints and critisisms are therefore removed. Perpetuating some dangerous riding under the guise of a training video for advanced motorcycling.

      What chance have learners got when they take the video for granted as being safe and it’s not.

      R.Craven Blackpool
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      This is still a relevant video and worth a watch, especially as a lot of riders are returning to the road after the winter. It’s good to see there are several bike items on the feed, all linked to rider skills in one form or another.

      The terminology used isn’t too important but the research shows that this age group is a casualty risk and that’s no great surprise as I suspect they make up a large percentage of riders. Whether they are called hobbyists, weekend warriors or recreational motorcyclists it applies to the same group. If you can identify with this group it is worth recognising that no matter what you think your skill levels are they can always be improved. One of the most important things to do on going out after the break is to hone your braking skills again, even if you have ABS. It’s one skill you will definitely use in the coming months and it’s good to have the confidence to use their full potential. Take 10 minutes to do this and you’ve invested wisely.

      Good news for me is that 2 more weeks and I’m out of that category and into the next, not sure what that is but I’m suddenly safer apparently. Do I believe that? No of course not, my life is precious to me (and others) so I intend to enjoy life and biking for as long as I’m able to. Expanding my skill set and staying on top of the ones I have are both on my agenda, together with a new bike as well. I’m hoping that retirement is all everyone tells me it is!

      Mike, Leicestershire
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      Jay, what on earth is the problem with the word ‘hobbyist’? To me it signifies that someone probably does not own a motorcycle as a means of getting from A to B, or a commuting tool, but simply because they enjoy the business of riding a bike. I don’t need to own a bike, I ride one because I like it and if the experts have realised that it puts me a higher risk category then I can use that fact to assist me in my control of the risk involved.

      It does not make me feel less of a motorcyclist if I fall into that group, but it could help me and others to manage the whole business of riding a bike.

      David, Suffolk
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      Jay’s response below has absolutely no surprises, a bit like ‘Perfect Day’.

      Through his research, working on behalf of DfT, Simon Christmas came up with a category of rider’s. The ‘male hobbyist’ identifying the 30-59 year old bikers. I very much believe the term or tag has been used out of context and was never intended for the general motorcycling use?

      What is important is that Simon’s excellent research has resulted in a further showing for ‘Perfect Day'(target audience).

      Interestingly enough when I showed this video to a group of pre-test younger riders the video had absolutely no meaning.

      Demonstrating how important Simon’s work has been in casualty reduction.

      Gareth, RSGB motorcyclist advisor
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      I find the description ‘male hobbyist’ completely derogatory, would they describe any other road user group as ‘hobbyists’?

      Jay, South Yorkshire
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