Honor Byford, chair of Road Safety GB, has issued a call for road safety professionals to show their support for the first ‘European Day Without A Road Death’.
‘Project EDWARD’ has been developed by TISPOL working in partnership with the European Commission, politicians, policymakers and road safety partners including Road Safety GB.
EDWARD takes place on Wednesday 21 September 2016, with TISPOL hoping that all of its 30 member countries will participate.
In a message to Road Safety GB members, Honor Byford said: “TISPOL has begun a countdown to Project EDWARD and the website pledge page is now open for anyone to sign.
“Their target is that no one should die on the roads of Europe on 21 September but, of course, every day should be an EDWARD day.
“Project EDWARD is about setting a target of no road deaths; targets are vital in helping to consolidate the efforts of those who want to improve safety on Europe’s roads.
“We believe that by working together we can make a significant contribution towards further sizeable and sustained reductions in road death and serious injury.
“Please visit the project website, take a look at the videos and plan some activity around this excellent theme.
“In doing so you can help to highlight the excellent work undertaken by our profession to reduce the unnecessary toll of death and suffering experienced during every hour of every day.”
The pledge on the Project EDWARD website asks road users to promise to: ‘drive at speeds that are both legal and safe’, ‘pay particular attention when driving near schools’, ‘never drive after drinking alcohol or taking drugs/medicines, ‘always wear my seat belt’ and ‘not use my mobile phone while driving’.
Road Safety GB has published a list of ways that road safety professionals and others can support Project Edward, which includes:
- Sharing the pledge via social media feeds, asking others to sign the pledge, and using the #ProjectEdward hashtag on all posts.
- Downloading and using the Project Edward videos on websites, social media feeds and public screens in locations such as libraries, medical practices, bus stations and schools.
- Liaising with local media and using the event as an opportunity to showcase the work road safety teams carry out every day to reduce casualties on their own road networks.
- Holding an event, using Project Edward as a central theme, to highlight a specific local issue or initiative.
Thanks Honor for copying the pledge. My comment is that it is a noble aim and like any of the “National Day of the Toilet” type events raising publicity is more often than not beneficial especially if people other than those involved in the subject already are aware of it. However, I am disappointed that there does not seem to be any pledge for Pedestrians to sign up to? I have previously queried this with TIPSOL but am waiting for a response.
My thoughts are that being safe is a shared responsibility for all road users and we shouldn’t demonise bad driving more than any other cause of injuries.
Being topical (see elsewhere on RSGB news) perhaps they could have added a pledge not to play online games whilst walking around?
Nick, Lancashire
I’m not sure Project EDWACOER is a good name – it could lead to the idea of bashing people over the head?
David Weston, Corby
If the aim is to achieve one day in which no-one dies on European roads, then I suppose the whole of Europe could stay indoors on September 21st – that would do it.
Are life-changing injuries acceptable on this day? It’s just that as no-one actually sets out to deliberately have a non-fatal collision, a better aim might have been EDWACOER (European Day Without a Collision on European Roads) except that as far as I’m aware, EDWACOER is not an actual name nor does it slip off the tongue as easily.
Hugh Jones
Project Edward’s aim is to achieve one day in which no-one dies on European roads. To do this, TISPOL are raising awareness across Europe of some key safety related behaviours that every driver can commit to in order to achieve this laudable aim.
The twelve pledges are:
•Remind my family, friends and colleagues to take extra care on the roads.
•Put my lights on for safety.
•Drive as safely as I can and follow the rules when behind the wheel or riding a motorbike or bicycle.
•Be extra vigilant and attentive to the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, children, older people and horse riders.
•Drive at speeds that are both legal and safe.
•Pay particular attention when driving near schools, and where there are lots of children.
•Never drive after drinking alcohol or taking drugs/medicines that could impair safety.
•Look as far ahead as possible and not tailgate other drivers
•Always wear my seat belt and ensure that everyone with me wears theirs.
•Not use my mobile phone while driving.
•Ensuring I am not distracted by anything inside or outside the car, or inside my head.
•Set a good example to my passengers by driving calmly and safely.
It is just one of many different initiatives and programmes that run every day to help to reduce and prevent casualties. It does not claim to be the cure-all solution to everything.
With regard to the “both legal and safe” it is often the case that the safe speed for prevailing conditions will be below the posted maximum speed limit. Road safety officers and police and others frequently refer to speeds that are “appropriate to the prevailing conditions” and also point out that a posted maximum speed limit is not a target speed. But these are pledges not essays so some brevity is forgiveable.
Honor Byford, Chair, Road Safety GB
An interesting phrase is this:
> drive at speeds that are both legal and safe
as opposed to speeds that are illegal yet equally as safe, or, if the driver is legitimately competent in driving at excess speed, safer than an average driver at a legal speed?
It would be more prudent to suggest something like an “appropriate” speed. Don’t hear that often enough.
David Weston, Corby
I have given my pledge on the provision that SPACE IS SAFE is or will be regarded as important to the safety of the communities within the E.U.
R.Craven Blackpool
I’m not quite sure what message this initiative is intended to deliver. It appears to me to be saying that the effectivity of road safety measures currently deployed relies on the assumption that 100% of road users will: 1/ maintain 100% concentration levels for 100% of the time, 2/ comply 100% with all road use laws and regulations.
That might be interpreted as: 1/ proof of a failure of the road safety establishment to provide a fit-for-purpose road safety model, 2/ proof that the road using public must take the blame for road casualties. The choice of which depends on whether you believe assumptions relying on a zero tolerance of human error are realistic assumptions.
Charles, England