Transport Scotland has launched a refresh of the action plan that outlines how the Scottish Government, local authorities and other partners can achieve the challenging shared vision that ‘10% of everyday journeys to be made by bike by 2020’.
Transport Scotland says the Cycling Action Plan for Scotland (CAPS) has been updated ‘in response to stakeholders’ calls for action’.
The refreshed CAPS 2017 features the Active Travel Task Force, which was announced in November 2016.
At that time Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s Transport Minister, said he had formed the new task force because he was “disappointed with some decisions taken locally about cycling infrastructure which will hinder the achievement of our long term vision”.
The taskforce will be chaired by Roy Brannen, Transport Scotland’s chief executive, and will include a representative from the third sector active travel organisation, COSLA, the Regional Transport Partnerships (RTPs) and the Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland.
CAPS 2017 also highlights the importance of integration with public transport, through partnership working with Scotrail, bus/coach operators and RTPs.
Other actions include developing active travel hubs across Scotland by utilising European Regional Development Funding and support for educational campaigns aimed at all road users.
Humza Yousaf said: “Over the next four years we look forward to developing more ambitious, innovative approaches underpinned by partnership working, to make Scotland a more active and safe nation.”
Keith Irving, Cycling Scotland chief executive, said: “One in 10 journeys to some campuses, schools or workplaces are already taken by bike.
“Our CAPS progress report demonstrated both how far we need to go and all the potential benefits from transforming how we travel in Scotland.”
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