‘Morning After’ launches 2017 Christmas campaign

12.00 | 6 November 2017 | | 1 comment

With the festive season on the horizon, the Morning After campaign is urging revellers to be mindful of the risk of driving while still over the limit the morning after drinking alcohol.

During the busy period for socialising between now and the end of the year, the risk of unwittingly being over the drink drive limit the morning after a heavy night is perhaps at its greatest.

With this in mind, the 2017 Morning After festive drink drive campaign urges drivers to make sure a party popper is the only thing they are invited blow into over the coming weeks.

Founded in 2009, the Morning After campaign website received more than 800,000 visits in 2016, and the Morning After calculator app has received more than 23,000 installations on iPhone alone.

The Christmas 2017 campaign resources include an A4 poster, A6 postcard and a wallet sized drink drive information card – all of which are available for local authorities to purchase.

Simon Rawlings, Morning After campaign manager, said: “It takes much longer than most people think for alcohol to pass through the body, which means there is often a danger of people unwittingly driving while still over the legal limit the morning after drinking.

“We are urging people to plan ahead and arrange alternative transport if they have to travel to work, for the school run, or any other engagement the morning after festive celebrations.

“The penalties for being caught drink driving the morning after are exactly the same as at any other time – it’s no excuse to say you thought you were fine to drive because of the length of time since your last drink.”

For more information about the campaign, and how to participate, contact Simon Rawlings via email.

Category: Drink-driving.




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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      There is evidence that a small amount of alcohol say 20 mlgr. instead of 80 mlgr. can have an adverse effect on one’s driving ability and there are those that would want to reduce the limit to come in line with that of Scotland and also the rest of Europe and reduce it 50 mlgr.

      What one must remember but many fail to realise is that the amount of alcohol in a pint for volume purposes would have been about 3.4% but many ales are much stronger say 5.4% and some almost twice the strength and therefore it could lead a drinker to drink just over one pint and be over the legal limit. There is only one safe way and that is nil by mouth.

      Bob Craven Lancs
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