The GEM Motoring Assist Road Safety Charity is inviting applications for grants of up to £10,000 for road safety projects.
Since it was established in 1985, the GEM Road Safety Charity has funded many projects which have aimed to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on the UK’s roads.
The charity’s trustees are encouraging applications from community groups, registered charities, foundations, professional bodies, road safety organisations, partnerships, schools and colleges whose projects demonstrate a clear road safety benefit to the wider community at a regional or national level. This can include anything from educational initiatives through to research.
Previous projects funded by the charity include:
• A grant to TISPOL (The European Traffic Police Network) for the first European Day Without A Road Death (Project EDWARD) which was used to produce a series of short safety videos and to host the initiative’s inaugural seminar in Brussels in September 2016
• Support for the Hampshire Older Driver’s Forum, for the production of a video to help those attending a Mobility Centre assessment
• Funding towards a new website for the Cycle Smart Foundation
• A grant to the Police Foundation to help fund its new Roadcraft Online resource
• Funding for SERV (Service by Emergency Rider Volunteers) to provide advanced rider training for volunteers carrying out life-saving work in transporting blood and other urgent medical items between hospitals.
Neil Worth (pictured), GEM road safety officer and clerk to the GEM Road Safety Charity, is urging would-be applicants to read the guidance notes before submitting a bid.
Neil Worth said: “The charity, quite rightly, needs evidence that any grant it awards will be used to support a well-researched identified need.
“Not surprisingly, there should also be clear evidence of a project’s road safety benefit, and of the proposed wider impact, as well as a robust evaluation mechanism.
“If your proposal can satisfy these (and other) requirements, and you can show how you will keep people safe on our roads, then you will find the trustees enthusiastic to discuss how they may be able to assist you.”
Further information about how to apply for a grant, and an online application form, can be found on the GEM website.
I have always found GEM to be supportive of road safety education with professional advice and information leaflets on a range of subjects. They helped in 94 to produce an award winning video on minibus driver training and their blue light video is a real winner for young drivers.
Peter City of Westminster