A celebration of the Liverpool City Council’s ‘Our Walk to School’ project will take place 12-13 February at the Liverpool Maritime Museum.
The project targeted year five pupils from areas of high child casualty routes, aiming to raise their awareness of local road safety hazards and complement engineering works in north Liverpool.
Pupils undertook an eight-week awareness course during which they created a map of the local area and identified road safety hazards, carried out speed surveys and recorded a road safety film by interviewing local community members.
‘Benji’ the project mascot will make a guest appearance at the celebration event, where pupils work will be displayed and the premier screening of their film will take place.
The event will also see the launch of a new road safety website for pupils, parents and teachers to widen the project reach. The website, www.benjiroadsafety.co.uk, will host a number of interactive road safety activities and teaching resources and will go live on 12 February.
For further information contact Peter Almond on 0151 233 3001.
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