Devon County Council, Devon and Cornwall Constabulary and the Highways Agency have launched a campaign offering advice and support to older motorists.
The concerns faced by older drivers include how the ageing process can affect eyesight, memory, decision-making and reaction times.
The County Council and Devon and Cornwall Constabulary have launched a new DVD for its ‘Driving Safer for Longer’ scheme, and the Highways Agency is promoting its new ‘Careful! Considerate! Correct!’ DVD and booklet.
Driving Safer for Longer addresses health-related driving issues and offers practical skills to allow motorists to review their ability.
Careful! Considerate! Correct! is a light hearted reminder of essential tips for safer driving.
Councillor Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council, said: “A driving licence is very important for many older drivers in maintaining their independence, particularly those who live in rural areas. For those who want to continue to drive, these two schemes can help make everyone safer on our roads.
“There will come a time in all of our lives when we have to stop driving. Knowing when to stop is not an easy decision, but these schemes offer valuable advice and support.”
Click here to read the full Devon County Council press release.
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