A new short course for RSOs on how to evaluate road safety interventions is being offered at Cranfield University.
The DfT is keen that road safety initiatives are evaluated to ensure there is an evidence-base to interventions designed to reduce KSIs – but few RSOs have received any formal training in methodology and research.
Good evaluation methodology is critical to intervention success. Poor evaluations mean there is little understanding of what initiatives work and which initiatives do not.
If a road safety initiative is poorly evaluated it could mean that effective interventions are not put in place, or worse still, that ineffective or even harmful interventions are implemented.
This new two day short course (2-3 June) has been designed to increase RSO competency in evaluation research.
The course is delivered by Dr Lisa Dorn (pictured) who has extensive experience in evaluating road safety initiatives for private organisations and local councils.
Dr Dorn said: “The course came about after I delivered a session to RSOs on the topic as part of their MSc in Driver Behaviour and Education.
“The students said that all RSOs need to understand the best way to design and implement an evaluation study, the importance of control groups, and choice of outcome measures – to name but a few critical factors that can have a massive impact on deciding whether a road safety intervention has been effective or not.”
Click here for more information about the course.
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