New football charter calls for respect on the road

12.00 | 18 September 2017 | | 2 comments

Hampshire Football Association (FA) is working with Project Pictogram to encourage parents and other role models to display the correct attitude towards safe driving, when transporting young players to and from matches.

Hampshire FA has published ‘Respect on the Road’, a ‘supporter transporter charter’ which urges adults to drive safely, while also encouraging appropriate behaviour by passengers in the vehicle.

It is hoped the charter will develop safe attitudes to driving and group travel among young players as they approach the ‘highest risk phase of their driving lives’.

Launched in March 2016, Project Pictogram encourages UK fleets to use an industry standard set of vehicle stickers to communicate the dangers of the ‘fatal four’: inappropriate speed, using a mobile phone while driving, not wearing a seatbelt and drink/drug driving.

Along similar lines, the new Hampshire FA charter focusses on three areas: keeping speed safe and legal, keeping your distance and keeping eyes-on-the-road (avoiding driver distractions).

The charter also covers other road safety issues including the correct use of seatbelts and drugs and alcohol – particularly the dangers of ‘morning after’ drink driving.

The charter will be supplemented throughout the season by topical reminders and tweets focusing on the ‘key risk reduction areas’ detailed in the charter.

The Project Pictogram artwork and guidelines are available, free-of-charge, for all clubs across the country to use on websites, tournament programs, posters, banners and mini-buses.


Categories: Children, Driving for work.



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      As there’s a football connection, possibly this campaign could also be drawn to the attention of the high-profile professional footballers – who, to some may be role models – and who occasionally get mentioned in the news, having been convicted of motoring offences – drink-driving and speeding being the most common. Just saying.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      As we all know the 2 second gap is only appropriate at speeds of 30 and 40 mph. At higher speeds one needs to be further than the 2 second rule (H.C. Rule 126). So why not therefore adopt a 3 second gap or rule instead. That will be far safer than any 2 scond gap at higher speeds.

      The danger of just reminding drivers of a 2 second gap is obvious as if one leaves just a 2 second gap and one believes that one is safe, one is not but will only find out in the event of rear ending another vehicle and who wants to be responsible for that and its consequences.

      Three seconds seems to me to be a safer solution.

      Bob Craven Lancs
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