New hi-vis product straps to moving body parts

12.49 | 18 October 2010 | | 1 comment

A new hi-vis product has been launched which is designed to be strapped to the parts of the body that move the most.

The Legard (for adults) and Bubba Legard (for children) are being marketed by Sig UK, who describe them as ‘the first full lower leg visibility enhancement product’. They are designed to be strapped to the lower leg or arm to provide maximum overall visibility, and to be quick to apply to encourage users to have them available ‘just in case’.

The product, which has a further benefit of keeping arms and legs clean and warm, can be used by cyclists, children walking to school, motorcyclists, professional road users and anyone wanting to increase their visibility and safety.

Richard Merrills, chief executive of Sig UK, said: “The idea was borne from frustration of seeing cyclists and walkers during dark times with no visibility enhancement to their lower body and arm areas. We looked into the current market products and nothing offered quick application and large area coverage.

“Coming from an engineering background in an industry that mandates high visibility work clothing, we knew that there could be a quicker means to show off the user’s leg area without wearing hi-vi trousers.”

Click here for more information, or contact Richard Merrills on 07713502265.


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      We made this type of product for the Rail Industry some years ago, but I would agree Richard is correct in everything he says and anything that can enhance Road Safety is always welcome.

      There was a study done some years ago by one of our universities for the British Horse Society, they recommended Horse Leg Bands as the best high viz product they could use when on the roads due to movement. The same goes for cyclists, pedestrians etc.

      Mike Hancox, MD, Colan Ltd, Warwick
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