New seat belt campaign clicks into place

09.14 | 5 May 2010 | | 2 comments

The Scottish Government, Road Safety Scotland and ACPOS have launched a new campaign to encourage drivers and passengers to put their seatbelt on every time they get in any vehicle.

‘Have you clicked?’ targets the estimated 14% of adults in Scotland who don’t wear their seatbelts every time.
It is also estimated that one in three people who are killed in vehicles in Scotland are not wearing seatbelts, and half of those could have been saved had they worn a seatbelt.
More than 50 partners including Kwik Fit, Tesco and Arnold Clark, and a host of courier, taxi, distribution and van hire companies as well as private businesses and public sector organisations, are backing the campaign.

‘Have you clicked?’ branding will be on vehicles and in workplaces, homes, shops, buildings and other public spaces around the country.
Michael McDonnell, director of Road Safety Scotland, said: “It’s time for a renewed focus on seatbelt wearing and we think the best way to do this is to spread the word as widely as possible.”
The campaign is aimed at all drivers and passengers but key sub groups who have the lowest compliance rates are young males, drivers of good vehicles, rear seat passengers and company car drivers.

Click here for more information about the campaign.


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      Colan Ltd manufacture seat belt covers in various colours and designs which can be custom printed. We have designs for Juniors and Adults and we now make a larger seat belt cover suitable for commercial vehicles. For a free sample and further information please call Jenny on 01926 831584.

      Jenny Newman, Colan Ltd
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      Try taking a look at the video by Sussex Safe Roads Partnership on http://www.embracethis there is not a drop of blood in sight ,ambulance or doctor but it gets the message across brilliantly. It has just been nominated for an award in New York.

      Don Harris , Bexhill on Sea
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