Newsfeed audience reaches record levels

09.07 | 7 July 2011 | | 2 comments

The number of people reading the Road Safety GB newsfeed reached record levels last month.

The Road Safety GB website attracted 12,149 visits in June 2011, beating the previous record of 11,851 in January 2011. That’s an increase of 698 visits compared with May 2011, and 3,242 compared with June 2010 – a whopping 35% year on year increase.

At 6,616, the number of visitors in June was also a record – beating the previous record of 6,050 in May 2011 by almost 10%.

Last month’s most read news story was titled ‘Campaign urges drivers to take longer to look for bikers’: The story, about an initiative launched by Hampshire County Council, received 845 page views from readers.

Nick Rawlings, Road Safety GB newsfeed editor, said: “It is very satisfying to see that the number of people reading the newsfeed continues to grow month on month.

“It shows that despite aggressive cuts to road safety budgets and the Government’s rather tepid approach, interest in road safety is far from flagging.

“We are grateful to all our readers for their interest, and the lively contributions they make by posting comments on the site. The road safety community appears keen to keep abreast of the latest developments within the sector, and as passionate as ever about reducing road crashes and casualties – despite all the challenges they face.”

For more information contact Nick Rawlings on 01379 650112.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      And what do you put this increase in ‘traffic’ down to? Is it possible that Twitter and other social media outlets are helping to cascade RSGB links to a much wider audience? If RSO’s are not on Twitter I recommend they think about getting on board. Tweeting Road Safety is a great way to reach all road users – would be fantastic if collectively we could get ‘roadsafety’ to trend 🙂

      Susan, Warwickshire
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      A huge thank you to you Nick. Please keep the good work up. It is a vital tool for all with deep concerns for the safety of road users.

      Every victim killed or injured on the roads, is one too many. And the trauma suffered by the parents and families needs to be recognised as that of other victims of violent crime.

      Judith, Norfolk
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