An initiative encouraging more cyclists to wear helmets and high visibility clothing has been launched by the Nottinghamshire Road Safety Partnership.
The initiative is supporting the United Nations’ ‘Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020’ and the charity Headway’s ‘Action for Brain Injury Week’.
As part of its safer cycling campaign, Nottinghamshire Road Safety Partnership has also launched an online survey for cyclists to express their views about cycle safety and travelling on Nottinghamshire’s roads. Those who take part have the opportunity to win cycle helmets worth £50 or high visibility Think Bike Back Packs.
The partnership will use the survey results to help improve cycle safety programmes and enhance road safety features where necessary.
Suzanne Heydon, from the Nottinghamshire Road Safety Partnership, said: “With a rise in the number of cyclists due to people wanting to become fitter, or for economic reasons, we want to reduce the increased possibility of road collisions by ensuring that people know how to navigate the road on their cycles.
"Last year three cyclists were killed and another 63 were seriously injured on Nottinghamshire’s roads. We want to reduce this figure and believe this survey will help to give us a better understanding of cyclists’ concerns and their experiences of travelling along roads.”
For more information contact Pam Shaw on 0115 9774448.
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