Scientists at Oxford University have developed a car that they believe will improve safety because it can drive itself without human intervention (BBC News).
The ‘Wildcat’ can interpret data from technology including cameras, radar and lasers to drive itself. The team at Oxford University believe that this type of technology will eventually improve safety and cut congestion.
Traditional GPS systems can broadly tell where a car is on the road but are unable to accurately guide it at speed without a significant margin of error. However, the sensors on this autonomously driven vehicle can pinpoint its location exactly and enable it to respond to its environment.
Professor Newman, project leader, is convinced that in the future on-board computers will have an enormous impact on motoring. He envisages car companies in an ‘arms race’ working to achieve the greatest number of minutes of autonomous driving per vehicle.
Professor Newman said: "Think of the impact that computers have had on offices, they have totally transformed them, and the same thing is going to happen on the roads. In the future autonomous robotic vehicles will get us safely and efficiently from A to B whilst taking the load off their human drivers.
"Our long-term aim is to enable a new generation of robotic vehicles that can make the roads safer, less congested, cleaner, and personal transport more accessible. We do this by making smarter cars."
Click here to read the full BBC News report.
Yes but it receives its info wirelesly and therefore is subject to the vagaries of our inclement weather. What would happen if the vehicle could no longer receive a signal?
Like a Sky box doesn’t work in heavy rain.
Bob Craven, Lancs