Parental support needed for young city riders

15.01 | 2 June 2010 | | 2 comments

The West Midlands Casualty Reduction Scheme is urging parents of young moped and scooter riders to support their teenage children at the forthcoming On Two Wheels urban bike show.
Many young motorcyclists are improperly dressed and over-enthusiastic at a time when they are least experienced on the roads – and the organisers of Birmingham’s new free bike show are hoping to offer guidance and advice to parents and riders alike.
The event will incorporate a Try-Before-You-Buy moped zone and a Teenage Dreams feature – highlighting new scooters, mopeds, fashionable protective clothing and insurance options – as well as access to experts, instructors and dealers.

Lisa Newmarsh, WMCRS support manager, explains: “16 to 19 year olds are young adults developing opinions and aspirations of their own, and parents can find it increasingly challenging to influence them.

“We encourage positive support from parents by inviting them to attend the event with their young riders for a great day out.”

On Two Wheels will be held on Sunday 18 July at St Andrews Stadium, Birmingham City Football Club.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      sounds like a good scheme to me. I hope it gets to the ones who need the support as well as those already willing to put effort into it.

      bob craven Lancs
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      An excellent initiative by West Midlands. It addresses the inexperienced rider and the apprehensions of parents. I hope this bold venture ensures that the young riders who attend enjoy a lifetime of safe and rewarding motorcycling. Lisa, please let us know who the event goes.

      Roy Buchanan Sutton
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