Two campaigns – by Thames Valley Safer Roads Partnership (TVSRP) and Sussex Safer Roads Partnership (SSRP) – were presented with Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards at the 2010 Road Safety GB Conference.
The Royal Awards recognise achievements in road safety. They are presented annually to the most outstanding examples of innovation across the world.

TVSRP’s ‘Have-a-Kip’ campaign was created to address the high number of fatigue related crashes on major highways in the Thames Valley. The campaign reached its target audience by building links with high profile football clubs and businesses.

The ‘Embrace Life’ video highlights the consequences of failing to wear a seatbelt. It was commissioned by SSRP to convey a message to drivers and passengers without using shock tactics.
What can one say, without attracting possibly richly deserved opprobrium? What did these campaigns really achieve in terms of improved safety? We are not told, and yet they recognised as outstanding examples of – ah – innovation! Perhaps that answers the question. In future, perhaps awards could be reserved for initiatives of proven worth in terms of permanently improved road safety, excluding measures involving punishment of those deemed to have “offended”.
Andrew Fraser, Stirling