Road safety teams are being encouraged to support a week-long initiative which seeks to improve road safety awareness among children.
Injury Prevention Week is organised by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) – a not-for-profit organisation which campaigns to prevent needless injuries.
The 2020 week takes place between 17-21 August, with a focus on child pedestrian safety.
The theme has been selected on the back of a survey, carried out in partnership with YouGov, which finds 12% of UK parents are very worried about their child’s road safety awareness.
Meanwhile, nearly a fifth (17%) of parents think their children know the rules – but don’t concentrate when near roads.
The week will also aim to educate pedestrians on how to tell if a vehicle is about to start reversing – with the survey showing only 44% of non-drivers knew to look out for reverse lights.
Sam Elsby, APIL president, said: “I urge parents to be proactive this Injury Prevention Week. Support children in their knowledge and understanding as it is their best tool for avoiding harm on the roads.”
The week will be using the hashtag #IPWeek2020 on social media.
For more information, and to look at the campaign resources, head to the APIL website.
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