Porsche drivers are worst speeders: MoneySupermarket.com

12.00 | 10 January 2013 | | 9 comments

Porsche drivers are statistically the most likely to be caught speeding, with more than 14% having a conviction, according to MoneySupermarket.com.

The data, based on more than 14 million car insurance quotes, reveals that Aston Martin (14.1%) and Jaguar (13%) drivers are the next most likely to have speeding convictions. Conversely, at 4.6% Morris drivers are least likely to have a conviction, followed by Daihatsu (5.8%), and Proton (6%).

Breaking the data down by location reveals that people living in Bournemouth are the most frequent speeders, with 12.3% having convictions. People living in London (5%) are the least likely.

In terms of occupation, operations directors (23.1%) are the most likely speeders. At 23% and 21.1% respectively, surgeons and sales directors are the next most likely to have speeding convictions.

On the other hand, at 3.2% warehousemen are least likely to have a speeding conviction – closely followed by driving instructors (3.3%) and casual workers (3.4%).

The data is from the latest MoneySupermarket Motor Monitor which is based on convictions indicated when retrieving car insurance quotes. Click here for more details.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Further to Honor’s comment, I can remember a gentleman on a Speed Awareness Course announcing that he had specifically bought a ‘fast‘ car so he could ‘drive really fast’ and then seemed surprised when he ended up on Speed Awareness Course!

      Let’s face it, we all have cars that are capable of going much faster than we would ever need them to anyway and all therefore have the potential to crash – but high-performance cars do it easier than others and through image, advertising and marketing, perhaps they attract the sort of person who does not have the self-discipline to drive one of these on the public roads responsibly? It’s not just the top end high- performance cars mentioned (before owners of such cars complain) but any ‘sporty’ version of more mundane everyday cars as well, dressed-up with a ‘can go much faster’ image, not forgetting the boy-racer customised Clio-type cars.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      If you would like to know how many of each make of car are still in use check out: http://www.howmanyleft.co.uk/
      This will help you with the maths.

      Right Road NW
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      Should this be followed by a study of the psychological profile of drivers to define them by personality type and the make/type of car chosen? Proposition along the lines of: someone who likes to drive fast (and has the money) is more likely to buy and drive a Porsche or an Aston than a Daihatsu? Or perhaps if you can afford an Aston Martin the prospect of a speeding fine and increased insurance premium is lower in deterrence value therefore you are more likely to take the risk? The research possibilities are endless.

      Honor Byford, North Yorkshire
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      The problem with this analysis is that it ignores annual mileage. For instance it is very likely that Porsche and Aston drivers drive many more miles than Morris drivers and far more than Bean and Stanley (steamer) drivers.

      Another problem – Aston and Porsche drivers are more likely to own “ordinary” cars as well, so the offences are not necessarily committed in the high performance cars, especially given that their % of total may be lower, and especially so on urban areas where such performance is not needed to break limits all too easily.

      Idris Francis Fight Back With Facts
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      What would be really interesting is to see if there’s a corresponding pattern in the casuatly stats. Are Porsche drivers or warehousemen over or under represented in KSIs? Or more importantly are they more likely to be involved in collisions where someone else is injured? Any chance of getting this info from insurers too?

      Dave, Leeds
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      Hugh – further to your prompt you will see we have added the stats for the second and third lowest categories – Daihatsu and Proton.

      Nick Rawlings, editor, Road Safety GB newsfeed
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      Nick – yes, I presumed any of the Morris’s referred to still on the road, would be run as ‘classics’ – presumably with lower annual mileages and driven in a more ‘caring’ manner let’s say and whilst that particular statistic is of interest, at the same time it’s probably not that surprising and perhaps some figures for more everyday vehicles as a comparison would have been more useful.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      Hugh – I guess there is still the odd Morris Marina knocking around, and I really loved my Morris Oxford back in the early 1970s!

      We’ve contacted MoneySupermarket to ask if they are willing/able to provide us with a more detailed version of the report. If they are, and if it throws up anything interesting, we’ll do a follow up piece.

      Nick Rawlings, editor, Road Safety GB newsfeed
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      Morris??? Morris what? I haven’t seen a Morris anything on the roads for a long time.
      That aside, if these stats are reasonably accurate and not out of context, I’d love to know more. For instance, I’ve often wondered if insurance data shows any significant difference in accident risk and propensity to commit driving offences between drivers of automatics versus manuals.

      Also, in terms of occupation, I wonder where road safety officers and traffic engineers figure in these stats? Nowhere, one would hope!

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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