The requirement for pre-war cars to have an annual MOT test may be scrapped following a meeting between Mike Penning, the road safety minister, and members of the All Party Parliamentary Historic Vehicles Group (Beaulieu).
Mike Penning said: “The MOT is important in helping to ensure that cars are safe for use on our roads. However, we need to be sure that the regulations we impose are having their intended effect. That is why I am going to look at whether there is a case for exempting older historic and classic vehicles from the MOT test.
“These vehicles are treasured by their owners who want to ensure they are well maintained, and in most cases they use them irregularly. I have asked my officials to look at the evidence on this issue and we will carry out a full consultation to allow interested groups to submit views.”
Greg Knight, conservative MP for East Yorkshire (and parliamentary group chairman), said: “If these older vehicles are exempted from the MOT test, owners will still be legally required to ensure that their cars are safe, roadworthy and in a proper condition to be on the road. The minister has made it clear that the exemption will not relate to historic vehicles that are used commercially.”
Click here to read the full ‘Beaulieu’ news release.
Nice idea Mick but someone somewhere would still have to pay for the MOT inspection though – garages are unlikely to do it for free as they have to pay their staff for the time. Where as a road fund licence is ‘just’ a piece of paper so has no specific value in terms of man hours. £1 on the price of every MOT to cover the costs of exempt vehicles is likely to be an unpopular move!
Dave, Leeds
An interesting idea but would it not be better to continue issuing MOT certificates (as an indication that they do in fact meet a certain standard) but exempt the test from fees? (Similar to “Historic ” Road Fund Licences.)
Mick Wilson, Rorherham