While the overall new car market declined once again in 2018, the number of new powered two wheeler registrations increased slightly.
Figures published by the Motorcycle Industry Association (MCIA) on 10 January reveal there were 105,816 new powered two wheeler (PTW) registrations in 2018 – up 0.3% from 2017.
Meanwhile, figures published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) earlier this month show the UK new car market declined by 6.8% in 2018, with annual registrations falling for a second consecutive year.
The MCIA says that if Government was to give more consideration to PTWs in transport and road planning, many drivers could be tempted away from their single-occupancy cars – especially in situations where walking, cycling and public transport are ‘not viable alternatives’.
The figure of 105,816 new registrations in 2018 was made up of 81,263 motorcycles and 24,553 scooters.
The strongest growth in 2018 was in the 51-500cc segment, which the MCIA says comprises, ‘space efficient, zero and low-emission machines, ideal for medium-distance commuting and congestion-busting local deliveries’.
However, the figures show a 28.3% decline in sales of 0-50cc machines – mirroring a 29.7% fall in the number of new mopeds sold.
They don’t have to take my word for it or read anyone else’s words as they literally see and communicate with others using the roads without any or little regards to safety or the law on our roads anyway.
A prime example is…just recently I spoke with two youths on motorbikes who were not displaying L plates at the front of their vehicles. They told me that they had heard from others and seen it for themselves and been advised by a training body that there was now no longer a need in law to show one. When I looked it up on Google I found that they were right. Unfortunately for them that legislation only appertains to Queensland, Australia and not to the UK..
Further as they are required to merely undertake part of a day learning the controls of a bike followed by a mere 2 hours at best of road use they don’t actually need to know a great deal about the Highway Code or the law in order to be unsafe on our roads.
It’s not their fault it’s the fault of government and the DVSA that has created this dangerous situation and it’s about time something was done to sort it out and make our roads safer.
I have been observing the behaviour of drivers and riders since I trained as a motorcycle instructor with the RAC/ACU back in the 1960’s and later as a police officer from the 1970’s . I have seen many changes in legislation governing motorcycles and would say that nothing is getting any better.
It’s about time we sat down and got it right because we are failing young people and putting their lives at risk.
I have some but admittedly limited knowledge of behavioural change theories. However, I am pretty much convinced that statements such as “These delivery agents know nothing of the law or of road safety” do not help either the riders themselves or the remainder of the population. It is the same as when some people say “cyclists think they own the road” or “everybody breaks the speed limit on this road” etc.
If delivery riders hear others make that sort of statement then they may become more likely to see that as a “social norm” and tend to be more likely to behave in that way and also some in the remainder of the “non-delivery rider population” may tend towards thinking the same of all delivery riders.
I would be interested to know what factual evidence you have to make that comment about delivery riders?
Nick G Hughes, Preston
It is also the case that due to more recent licence changes in the power outputs of motorcycles, where at one time there was basically just a 125cc and then the jump to 500cc. [except for scooters] ,there are now many more manufacturers building bikes of 250 cc and 350cc machines and that has taken sales off the bigger bikes.
This I agree with Martin, and have been arguing the same over and over again for the last 5 to 10 years but unless something is done there will be increased carnage on our roads, and why?
Because the lower cc market place is expanding – as fast food outlets increase there will be more need for food to be conveyed by scooter or bike. These delivery agents know nothing of the law or of road safety.
Yet another (good) report showing that the sub 500cc motorcycle market is expanding (I’ll not say booming).
It’s still a mystery to me why the many excellent motorcycle safety interventions seemed to be aimed at riders of larger bikes. Take a look at any of the usually excellent advanced rider websites, and you’ll see photos of large bikes.
I think we are missing a trick, not considering more closely the riders of smaller machines. (Not just youngsters on mopeds, but commuters finding a way out of ever increasing public transport costs and car clogged roads).
The excellent “2wheelslondon” website, is one of the few places to look at this important segment.
Has anyone else got any other good resources to use with riders of smaller machines, most of whom do not see themselves as “bikers”?
Martin A, Ipswich