Pub campaign highlights units in alcoholic drinks

13.13 | 25 August 2011 |

The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) is to run a national campaign to raise awareness of the number of units in alcoholic drinks.

Although primarily a public health initiative under the ‘Responsibility Deal’ between the Government and pubs, the campaign could also deliver road safety benefits.

Posters, tent cards and beer mats featuring the slogan ‘how many units in your drink?’ are being piloted in selected BBPA member pubs over the summer, after which the materials will be available for pubs to order on a wider scale.

The final designs follow research conducted with consumers and retailers in partnership with the alcohol education charity Drinkaware. The research showed that pub-goers want clear information on the number of units in typical drinks, without adopting a ‘nannying’ approach.

For more information contact David Wilson at BBPA on 020 7627 9151.


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