Public/private trio trial safety campaign

08.53 | 14 September 2010 | | 2 comments

The DfT has teamed up with Stobart Group and Tesco to trial a campaign which will see road safety messages appearing on the back of the firms’ trucks (RoadTransport).

Posters encouraging drivers not to use mobile phones and to take breaks will be displayed on the back of 200 trucks. The DfT is reported to have paid around £60,000 to print the posters and book the advertising space, but estimates that the campaign could have cost around £1.5m if conventional advertising was used.

Andrew Tinkler, Stobart Group CEO, said: "With one of the largest fleets on the UK’s roads, and a specialist Eddie Stobart driver training school that all our drivers have to pass through, regardless of experience, road safety is of absolute paramount importance to the Stobart Group.

"It is said that when driving on major UK roads, an Eddie Stobart truck is seen every four to five minutes, which lends itself to promotion and raising public awareness.

“We are happy to support the DfT with the idea of including the Think! campaign posters on some of our trucks – especially as we endorse the campaign’s messages."

Mike Penning, road safety minister, attended the launch and described the campaign as a good example of the public and private sector working together.

Mr Penning said: “By working together, Eddie Stobart, Tesco and Think! have developed a campaign that combines advertising creativity with value for money for taxpayers.

"I am very grateful to both companies for their generosity in allowing us to use this space and I hope that other similar initiatives will follow in the future."

Click here to read the full RoadTransport report.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      We ran something on the back of fire trucks in Brighton & Hove about 18 months ago – reaction and message OTV were very good especially as the trucks got stuck in city centre traffic alot!
      Hope that it takes off for them.

      Neil Hopkins, Sussex Safer Roads Partnership
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      Good to see people coming together to promote road safety BUT messages on the back of moving vehicles are a distraction. Hope the messages are short and in bold font.

      Keith Bramall (Drive IT Home CIC Ltd)
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