Pupils from Biggar High School in South Lanarkshire have been learning about the responsibilities involved in becoming a driver.
A new road safety play, Friends Disunited, follows the lives of four friends, one of whom gets a new car for their birthday. It’s not long before the harmony of the group evaporates and friendships begin to fragment, as the play culminates in a car crash that leaves their lives badly affected.
The play illustrates how the dreams and ambitions of young people can be shattered by the inexperience and over-confidence of a young driver.
Teaching materials are available to accompany the play, which include a copy of the script, teachers’ notes, suggested lesson plans and pupil worksheets.
Councillor John Murray, said: “We have to engage young people in a way they will find entertaining but still ensuring the road safety message is relayed. The play did this brilliantly and I would like to thank the Baldy Bane Theatre Company.”
For further information contact James Davitt on 01698 453 857.
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