Road rage is costing lives – AXA

12.02 | 16 August 2010 | | 4 comments

800 lives are lost on Britain’s roads through accidents caused by road rage or disrespectful driving, according to a recent report.

A nationwide independent survey carried out by AXA also calculated that nearly £945m of premiums could be saved if British motorists could rid themselves of their aggression and disrespect.

The survey found that almost four in 10 drivers involved in the 222,100 accidents on British roads every year say they were frightened or angered by other road users in the critical moments before a crash.

Pete Marsh, a motoring psychologist, said: “The AXA study highlights clearly the powerful psychological forces at work when we get behind the wheel of a car.

“Our cars may be safer than before and our roads increasingly designed to reduce accidents but unless we recognise and deal with the strong emotional aspects of motoring, the factors that give rise to uncharacteristic belligerence and sheer bloody-mindedness, we may never be able to reduce much further the number of people who die unnecessarily on Britain’s highways.”

Click here to read the full AXA news release or contact Miranda Bellord , AXA Insurance press office, on 020 7280 3139.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I agree Honor, this behaviour can be recorded under Careless/Reckless/In a hurry as well as other causal factors. Looking at the top ten recorded causal factors for collisions on our local roads I feel that many of them could be attributed to aggressive behaviour from one or more party.
      1 – Failed to look properly
      2 – Careless/Wreckless/In a hurry
      3 – Poor turn or manoeuvre
      4 – Failed to judge other person’s path or speed
      5 – Travelling too fast for the conditions
      6 – Loss of control
      7 – Aggressive Driving
      8 – Disobeyed give way or stop sign or markings
      9 – Exceeding Speed Limit
      10 – Following too close

      Mark, Bexley
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      This isn’t covered as a specific causation factor with its own code but I think the behaviour is actually a new(ish) term for those behaviours actually covered by “Careless, Reckless, in a hurry” as this covers tailgating, impatient behaviour and poor manoeuvres as a result of impatience/aggressive driving. So I think this type of issue is taken into account, albeit under another title.

      Honor Byford, North Yorkshire
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      Not sure there’s a ‘road rage’ box on the stats 19 form Idris. Perhaps this was a seperate survey.
      Given the ever increasing number of motorists on our roads and the increasing pressures on our road space – bus, cycle and 2+ lanes etc, it’s not surprising that we have frustrated, impatient drivers who behave inappropriately. There are obviously wider social issues at work which are being reflected on our roads and shows that maybe we need a much more holisitic and cross discipline approach to casualty reduction.

      Dave, Leeds
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      Rather strange that the Stats19 reporting system with more than 40 causal factors fails to mention this at all, unless obliquely under other headings such as distraction etc.

      Idris Francis – Petersfield
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