Jesse Norman MP, Parliamentary under secretary of state for roads, local transport and devolution, will deliver a presentation via video to delegates attending the 2017 National Road Safety Conference in Manchester on 14-15 November.
Mr Norman’s presentation – which will be the opening keynote address on the afternoon of 14 November – completes the line-up for the session titled ‘The Big Picture’.
This will be the second time in three years that the minister responsible for road safety has delivered a video presentation to the conference – with Andrew Jones MP addressing delegates at the 2015 event in Nottingham.
Jesse Norman MP took over the road safety portfolio, as well as responsibility for cycling and walking policy, in July 2017 having moved to the DfT following the General Election.
Mr Norman is also responsible for: buses; Highways England and strategic roads; local roads policy and funding; motoring agencies; road freight; transport and the environment; and transport technology.
Mr Norman will provide an overview of the Government’s priorities with regard to road safety and associated matters.
The presentation forms part of ‘The Big Picture’ session, which will see national road safety stakeholder organisations outlining their priorities, campaigns and initiatives for 2018 and beyond.
The other speakers in the session are: Sonya Hurt and Alan Kennedy, chair and business and operations manager respectively of Road Safety GB; Gareth Llewellyn, chief executive officer of the DVSA; Dawn Lauder, head of marketing and communications at the DfT; and Michael McDonnell, director of Road Safety Scotland.
2017 National Road Safety Conference
The 2017 National Road Safety Conference is being held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Manchester Airport on 14-15 November and is co-sponsored by Colas, Jenoptik Traffic Solutions UK and Insure The Box.
The main conference agenda also includes sessions focussing on: behavioural change techniques (BCTs); public health, sustainability and active travel; driverless cars; Question Time; and topical topics.
In addition to the main conference agenda there will also be a ‘Fringe’ programme and ‘Pick my brains’, an optional session at the end of day one.
More than 260 people have registered to attend and fewer than 20 residential delegate places remain available, so anyone thinking of attending is advised to book as soon as possible.
Click here to register to attend, or for more information contact Sally Bartrum (delegate registration and exhibition) or Nick Rawlings (speakers and agenda) on 01379 650112.
Categories: RSGB News, Events.
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