The Road Safety Trust is inviting applications for funding under its current grant programme theme, ‘innovative traffic calming and provision for vulnerable road users’.
The Road Safety Trust is registered charity which supports projects and research aimed at making the UK roads safer for all road users.
One of the recent projects to benefit from funding is a new virtual reality app, designed to teach children about road safety, which received £67,500.
The current grant programme’s objectives are ‘to generate new knowledge about what works, to translate ideas into new measures, to influence road safety policy and practice and to support partnership working and collaboration for the benefit of UK road users’.
In its guidance for applicants, the Trust advises that projects ‘will be expected to outline the outcomes and impact for road safety that may be expected from the research or practical intervention, how these outcomes have been calculated and how they will be achieved’.
Sally Lines OBE, chief executive, says the Road Safety Trust is committed to achieving impact through the funding of practical measures, research, dissemination and education.
Ms Lines said: “Traffic calming measures range from traditional engineering solutions through to more innovative interventions, so we are keen to understand the factors influencing the effectiveness of particular measures.
“Why do they work? How are they evaluated? How can they be replicated with similar success elsewhere?
“There are many types of vulnerable road user, or many reasons why they might be vulnerable, such as the amount of protection they receive in a road environment, or because their capability of dealing with the road environment is limited. We suspect that data to measure the full extent of the problem is missing.
“Making proper provision for vulnerable road users should be a key part of any casualty reduction initiative, and we understand that within the scope of ‘provision’ there are many possibilities.
“We believe that through this year’s grant programme, there are some exciting and worthwhile opportunities to make a tangible and sustained difference to the risks faced by our most vulnerable road users.”
The closing date for applications for this programme is 21 June. Recommendations for support will then be considered by members of the board of trustees.
Click here for full details of eligibility and information on how to apply.
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