Two thirds of drivers consider cyclists to be inconsiderate road users, according to a new survey carried out by the AA Charitable Trust.
In the survey, published to mark five years since the launch of the AA’s ‘Think Bikes’ campaign, older drivers (over 65 years) were most likely to describe cyclists as inconsiderate (69%) – while young drivers (18-24 years) were the least likely (57%).
The survey also suggests that more drivers are surprised by a cyclist or motorcyclist ‘appearing from nowhere’ than was the case five years ago.
Two-thirds of respondents said they are ‘often surprised’ when a cyclist (65%) or motorcyclist (63%) ‘appears from nowhere’ – compared to just over half in 2014 (55% cyclists and 57% motorcyclists).
Edmund King OBE, director of the AA Charitable Trust, says the survey highlights that more needs to be done to ensure drivers and cyclists ‘co-exist safely and peacefully’.
Edmund King said: “For five years Think Bikes has been reminding drivers of the importance to do a double-take for those on two wheels.
“Our new research shows there is still some way to go in terms of ensuring everyone on the road looks out for each other.
“On the roads it should never be a case of drivers versus cyclists or motorcyclists. Everyone is on the road to get somewhere and by looking out for each other we can ensure we do so safely.
“It is disappointing that two-thirds of drivers feel cyclists are inconsiderate and this shows that more needs to be done by drivers and cyclists to co-exist safely and peacefully. The irony is that most cyclists are drivers and many drivers are cyclists.”
Launched in March 2014, the Think Bikes campaign encourages drivers to place small stickers on their side mirrors to remind them to look out for those on two wheels.
The campaign also, memorably, featured a video during which a naked cyclist reminded drivers that cyclists are not invisible.
Alright, Bob, will go with that. I was trying to be conservative. It fits with my often made comment that most drivers are like the next crash waiting to happen. As just a couple of examples, how many leave (where they can) 5 feet when overtaking cyclists? A judge summing up a case many years ago stated that ‘a cyclist is entitled to his (or her) wobble’. In other words, it is up to the motorist to anticipate this possibility. Or, how many (again where they can) leave 5 feet when passing parked vehicles? Most are not even aware of the value of having safety zones at the sides of their vehicle and so have a higher vulnerability to crashes.
I would tend to disagree with Nigel and say that my estimation is that some 9/10 ths of other road users – and that will include pedestrians who are inconsiderate and thoughtless of others.
Wouldn’t necessarily disagree with the basic premise of this thread but, probably around 2/3 of motorists are also inconsiderate, thoughtless or, whatever.
Many cyclists and motorcyclists are not seen by drivers merely because the drivers, cyclists and motorcyclists travel too close together and are therefore hidden by other vehicles. The only thing that many drivers see and then fixate on is the rear brake lights of the vehicle in front. They are so close that they have no peripheral vision at all until it’s too late and the cyclists or motorcyclists appears apparently out of nowhere.
If Safe Following On Distances were to become the norm then many more cyclists and motorcyclists would be seen.
It’s not just inconsiderate for cyclists to ‘appear from nowhere’ – it’s downright spooky and has a hint of the paranormal about it.
Hugh Jones