New data shows a ‘statistically significant’ rise in the number of people killed or seriously injured on the roads in the 12-month period ending June 2019 – but a fall in overall casualties.
Figures for Great Britain, published by the DfT on 28 November, show 27,820 people were killed or seriously injured (KSI) in the 12 months ending June 2019 – a year-on-year rise of 4%.
There was also a 4% rise in the number of road deaths – up to 1,870 – but the DfT describes this rise as ‘not statistically significant’ and as the result of ‘natural variation’.
However, there was a ‘statistically significant’ reduction in total casualties – down by 5% to 157,630.
In terms of road user type, the stats show a year-on-year rise in the number of car occupant (6%), pedestrian (4%) and motorcycle (2%) KSIs. There was no percentage change in the number of cyclist KSIs.
In terms of total casualties, most modes of transport experienced year-on-year reductions – the largest being among car occupants (7%). Again, there was no percentage change in the number of cyclist casualties.
A disappointing start to 2019?
The DfT statistical bulletin also shows there were 880 road deaths in the first six months of 2019 – a year-on-year rise of 11%.
While this rise is statistically significant, the DfT says half-year casualty figures should be ‘interpreted with caution’ – and may not be indicative of an ongoing trend.
The DfT adds the 2019 figure is in-line with the long term average since 2010 which has shown ‘variation around a fat line trend’.
The final casualty statistics for 2019 are likely to be published in July 2020.
I am afraid I have long been saying that with the reduction in police traffic patrols that this scenario was inevitable and that the lack of visible presence of the police on the roads is directly related to a fall in general driving standards and the increased vulnerability to crashes.
Nigel Albright, TAUNTON