RSGB members invited to TyreSafe briefing

12.00 | 14 August 2012 | | 1 comment

Road Safety GB members have been invited to attend an industry briefing by TyreSafe, the UK’s leading tyre safety organisation which raises awareness about the dangers associated with defective or illegal tyres.

The briefing will include the launch the latest phase of TyreSafe’s part worn tyre campaign, and the unveiling of resources for tyre safety month in October 2012, which will be made available for road safety officers to use as part of their own activities.

The briefing will take place on 19 September at the Ardencote Manor Hotel in Warwickshire, commencing with lunch at midday and finishing at around 3pm, followed by an opportunity to network with industry colleagues.

In an open invitation to Road Safety GB members, Stuart Jackson, chairman of TyreSafe, said: “We do hope you are able to join us for this important industry event so you can hear and share ideas about how you can become involved in tyre safety month and help save even more lives.”

Numbers are limited and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Click here to download the booking form, which should be returned to Christine Joyce by emailing: or by fax to 0845 3016853.

For more information contact TyreSafe on 01787 226995.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I hope that they will have something to say about tyre damage caused by speed humps, including unseen wear on the inside walls of tyres, caused by straddling the humps so that the tyres ride along the bevelled edges.

      Stats 19 data shows surprisingly few crashes caused by tyre failure – though that does not mean tyres don’t fail. We have all seen treads shed by lorries, and I lost one, for no known reason, from a nearly new tyre at 70mph on the M4.

      Idris Francis
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